Najboljih 5 studenata, učesnika programa e-PROFMAN, dobilo je priliku učešća na jednomesečnom obavljanju prakse u inostranoj zemlji. Među njima je i Marina Bogdanović, koja je mesec dana bila kod nas na DOBA Fakultetu.
Program e-PROFMAN (Online Professional Programme in Innovative Management, Leadership and Strategic Communication) su zajedno formirale 3 institucije:
U okviru programa studenti su se uključili u virtuelni kampus i obavljali module iz područja inovativnog menadžmenta, vođenja i strateškog komuniciranja. Ujedno su imali i jedinstvenu mogućnost za međunarodno umrežavanje.
Najboljih 5 studenata, učesnika programa, zatim je dobilo priliku učešća na jednomesečnom obavljanju prakse u inostranoj zemlji. Među njima je i Marina Bogdanović iz Bosne, koja je mesec dana bila kod nas na DOBA Fakultetu.
Utisci Marine Bogdanović nakon obavljene prakse na DOBI:
'When I finished e-Profman, joint online programme for professional development in Innovative Management, Leadership and Strategic Communication of – the virtual campus consisted of three higher education institutions (HEIs): School of Journalism and Public Relations (Macedonia), DOBA Faculty of Applied Business and Social Studies (Slovenia) and Istanbul University (Turkey) I got the opportunity to do my Traineeship in a foreign country - in organization in Slovenia, Macedonia or Turkey. I chose DOBA Business School in Slovenia, partly because of DOBA and partly because of sLOVEnia.
During the traineeship, I had an opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge and competences from e-PROFMAN in real-life situations. Thanks to my mentor everyday tasks were easy, interesting and instructive, she helped me to gain an insight into internal organization and organizational culture, as well as with what are the main fields of studies at DOBA Business School.
Since my primary interests are public relations, that includes content creation, event management, communication trough social media and traditional channels, working with the PR and Marketing team at DOBA was pure pleasure. Also, beside doing practical tasks (market analysis, content creation, proposals for PR activities, taking part in organizing the conference etc.) I had an opportunity to enroll one of the DOBA’s online courses - Creative cross cultural communication course that very interesting to me. It is one more positive experience, an additional value of my traineeship at DOBA. I was working in a team with teammates from Russia, Belgium, Turkey, Scotland and Greece helped me to develop my cross cultural awareness, and to understand communication in different context.
All in all, I left Slovenia with beautiful and positive impressions, and would definitely recommend Slovenia, Maribor and DOBA.'