Na DOBA Fakultetu smo uspešno završili međunarodni virtuelni projekat Virtual Communication Across Cultures @home, koji je već četvrtu godinu zaredom nastao u saradnji sa NHL Stenden University.
Svrha projekta Virtual Communication Across Cultures @home je bila da se studentima omogući internacionalizacija od kuće, i razvoj interkulturalnih kompetencija.
Tematika projekta je obuhvatala interkulturalno komuniciranje, i fokusirala se na značaj interkulturalnih kompetencija za zapošljavanje i uspeh na radnom mestu, skriveno značenje reči, direktnu i indirektnu komunikaciju, kulturnu konotaciju, komunikacijske stilove, konstruktivno rešavanje interkulturalnih konflikata.
Učestvovalo je 40 studenata, koji su bili iz Holandije, Rumunije, Italije, Turske, Kameruna, Španije, Sirije, Kine, Tajvana, Vijetnama, Srbije, Hrvatske, Slovenije …
Takođe su učestvovale profesorke iz Holandije (Marijke Boven i Julia Huisman), iz Rusije (Svitlana Buko) i iz Slovenije (Nataša Ritonija), prve dve iz NHL Stenden University, i druge dve iz DOBA Fakulteta. Koordinaciju celog projekta su vodile mr Vesna Kolenc Potočnik i Nina Turčin, dok je online mentorstvo studenata preuzela Mina Mazouzi, sve predstavnice DOBA Fakulteta.
Počeli smo sa uvodnim pripremnim susretom za upoznavanje, nakon čega su usledila četiri vebinara odličnih predavača iz područja interkulturalnog komuniciranja i jedinstveni studiji slučaja. Završili smo virtuelnim susretom i dodatnim timskim izazovom za studente.
Prednosti ovakvih virtuelnih projekata za studente:
Izjave zadovoljnih studenata
Virtual environment makes it harder to communicate and learning to do it successfully is the skill of the future. Leadership in international teams, be it face-to-face or virtually, just as well. In this course you will learn about both and gain skills of & for the future.
Such an amazing and packed experience! 11 days flew by and I learned so much! Intercultural & virtual teams are the future and here you have the chance to try both at the same time! Thank you for this opportunity!
Ivona Flakus, Slovenia
I joined the course „Virtual Communication across cultures @home“ because I wanted to collaborate with other students worldwide. The course has lived beyond my expectations and gave me new insights, perspectives, broadened my horizons, and most importantly new friends. I will cherish this
Barbara Bašić, Croatia
I am thankful that I got the opportunity to participate in the project “Virtual Communication Across Cultures @home “. This was my first experience where I was working in a virtual environment with other students from different countries. It was such a great opportunity to meet other cultures and see their ways of thinking or working. I learn why is important intercultural competency for employment and success in the workplace. I would highly recommend other students to participate because of the knowledge which you will receive and definitely use it at your work. Also, it is good that you start to work more on your personal development.
Janja Šincek Jagačić, Croatia
Participating in a virtual world of international dimensions has been a great, new experience for me. Being involved in such a great concept and listening to the advice of people and mentors who have a great deal of experience in these fields is invaluable. Thank you DOBA for this opportunity.
Breda Rajšp, Slovenia
Working in international virtual teams organized by DOBA Faculty is a challenge and an opportunity for me to meet new cultures, establish and expand knowledge. This is my fourth course in a virtual international team, organized by DOBA Faculty. This year, as part of the Virtual Communication across cultures (@home) course, I had the opportunity to participate in a well-designed program by top lecturers. I also met amazing people and I have kept in touch with them. Our cultural differences did not constitute a barrier to communication and cooperation. This was a great experience and I am happy to have been a part of this project.
Dorotea Borković, Serbia
U mesecu maju nas čeka još i uzbudljiv 24-časovni International Innovation Hackathon sa partnerima iz Holandije, Litvanije, Belgije i Južne Afrike, a u junu još i tradicionalna Virtuelna letnja škola, koja je otvorena za sve.